Reexamination Of Japanese “Southern” Experience

from The 1920s To 1950s



2022年6月13日 青木澄夫先生宅ご訪問

 2022年6月13日 青木澄夫先生宅ご訪問


June 13, 2022 Visit Dr. Sumio Aoki’s home

 On Monday, June 13, 2022, research staff members Machida and Ito visited the home of Dr. Sumio Aoki (former professor at Chubu University) in Tokyo. The purpose of the visit was to see his very valuable collection of historical documents, especially photos and postcards dating back 100 years, and to ask for his advice on future research for this project. We were able to not only learn about the documents, but also about the long and arduous process of collecting them – winning them in an Internet auction and paying for them in U.S. dollars. Although our stay at the museum lasted nearly four hours, the time flew by as we were in touch with the precious historical materials and listened to his stories.
 Thank you very much, Dr. Aoki, for your warm welcome. Please let me visit again. Thank you very much.

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